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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Southern California Ski Mountains?

Hey. Who knew? Maybe you did but i did not. I really didn't know that there were so many mountains to snow ski on in Southern California. We live 15 miles from the beach. We live 60 miles from a mountain where you can ski!! I think that is scrazy. Yes scrazy. Can you snow ski 60 miles from Galvaston? No wu-hay jose.

We wanted to go to Pink's famous Hot Dogs a few weeks ago. It is a Hollywood Legend since 1939. I would have loved to have gone but the line wrapped around the building about 14 times. I just didn't think it was worth it.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Yes I am. Who cold say that I'm not with this awesmlo picture. I know. It rocks. Can't sleep so I'm tossing in another blog. A shorty. Mrs. Doubtfire is really a good movie. I didn't realize it was 16 years old. That's the same amount of time that I have been out of high school. Sad. I think I'm ready to post a new video. I'm going to make a music video. I can't imagine if I was chocking. A peice of meat or anything. That would be a terrible feeling.