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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Randon Rambleness

Today is another day of kpLove. These days are always nice. Some better than others.

Black shirt man from across the street went nuts a few days ago. He was either really high or didn't take his medicine. I think he didn't take his medicine or didn't make enough cash to purchase the meds.

We saw dolphins hangin out very close to the shore yesterday at Santa Monica. There were two of them doing the things. Showing the backs and all.

I don't like June Gloom. It's always freakin cloudy and a Little bit chilly. However I spoke with my mother and she said it was 100 degrees in Texas and I'm not missin that at all. It's been in the 60's this week.

I registered with a casting company to be an "extra" or background actor. We shall see if I get a call or not. I think it would be pretty fun and exciting to see how movies and TV really work behind the scenes.

We went on a good hike the other day with The Moth Enlaw and Callie. Both were rather tired afterwards. Kayla and I were not. But it was still a good time.

Look at the picture above and check out how holly crappily hot my wife is. Daaaaaaaaayyng.

We drank bottomless red and white wine on Thursday night at an really neat restaurant below our apartments. With a nice young fellow playing the piano.

Damn I'm proud of the Rangers. I know there are still 102 mor 103 games left but at least they are making me think they are trying.

I paid $6 for a Miller Lite Thursday. I won't do it again. Stupid Lucky Strike.

You ever wonder why some people are so rude, nasty, or mean? I just don't get it. There are way to many of them out there. another thing that bothers me is people who are smart asses for no reason. Maybe only to make themselves feel good because they know deep down they are idiots.

I'm a teacher of love.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Oh So many Douche Bags. Douche's of Hollywood.

Douche seems to have over taken the word douche bag. It's just our lingo now. I want to know why so many dudes are douche bags. I discovered a new reason to drink beer. Go to a bar with the sole purpose of picking out douche bags and then analyze them. It's like when some females get together and watch the Miss America pageant or Miss Universe, etc. They love to talk about the ridiculous girls.

Douche's are everywhere. But if you want to know where they are way to overpopulated come to Hollywood. You can start right here at our apartments, Sunset & Vine, and go to town. I'm not saying I don't like it here. It's actually pretty incredible. This is an awesome experience Kayla and I are having together. You know what is awesome?? The amount of Douche Bags in this town. It may be worse than the Dallas $30,000 millionaires. Well, that may not be a good example. These Douche Bags do have money or there is no way they could afford to live here. Or could they? Are they extreme Douche's and have their parents pay the $2100 rent here? Either way, rich or not, the Douche thrives in this environment.

I don't have any pics right now but I really need to get some. It is certainly not hard to do . It would be cool to see a street rumble between the Douche's and the Homeless People.

There are some who believe there are female Douche Bag's. Also refereed to as the Douche Baguette. I'm not sure of my opinion on this. I think we should just stick to the other word for the chics.

Long Live the Douche. They will never go away. Just don't let them beat you down. It's not worth it.