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Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Think I'm gonna bust up a Vlog soon. it's easier than typing and with my short attention span I can ramble off way more words that if I were typing. See? I already forgot what I was gonna type about next. Poop fire.

Some times the ole brain just gets old. Like my body. The last couple of days have been hard for me getting out of the car. I feel like a 130 year old man who has fake legs. I need new legs. "Lieutenant Dan, you got new Legs." (Forest Gump) Actually it's my ankles. Kayla looks at me like I am a fool bit they feel achy and stiff. I
can handle it though for now. Whoa is me.

I'm ready to go back to Hollywood. I want to go to the beach. I want to go to more places that we didn't go the first time. Plus, Crap Antonio just ain't doin it for us. We love us some Plano. Mm Mm good.

My wife is on her way home and that makes me happy. happy like Gilmore. You just don't understand how much we really like to hang out with each other.

So long. Lake, Big Lake.

1 comment:

Imma do me! said...

WOW!! You two are just like the couples in the movies!!! Being a black male that grew up po den a mug, I thought people that acts like u two were actors!! Either u two really like each other, or Fat Pat u are whooped!! Next I think you two need to get some hobbies! The only other people I see do this much filming, I pay $39.99 for the tape, and since u ywo are dressed, U HAVE 2 MUCH FREE TIME!!! Hey does all the songs have the same beat, or tempo? All white music sounds the same 2 me. Pat your music suucckkzzzz!! U really should stick wit rappin. Listen main, rappin is what made u Fat Pat stick wit it!! Get in touch wit yo inner black side, the white thing just isn't u. Yo I loved the poll!! It was like voting on American Idol!! Where do u find this crap?? HOLLA BACK, AT YO BOY!!

MC Scottee T, I rock the mic right!!!!