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Friday, November 21, 2008

My Nurse

For those who don't know, we live in Los Angeles, CA right now. Kayla is a travel nurse and that's what we're doing. Traveling. She signs a contract for 13 weeks at a hospital and after it's up we go somewhere else. It's a pretty sweet gig. We have no rent or utilities to pay other than our TV and internet bills. I'm working on doing some things online while Kayla is at work. It would be difficult to find a job in an actual building for only 13 weeks. It's may be possible but I may get over looked because of that. So we plan on exploring this part of California but have yet to scratch the surface. We shall soon. We get to see the country for as long as we like before we decide to really settle down. Some day we may create some of those small people that several of my friends have now.

Would you like to know my frustration? Huh? This puppy we have is not doing what we want her to. Go outside or on the potty pad. PLEASE STOP GOING ON THE FLOOR. She now wears a denim diaper part time and it is ridiculously funny to look at, I thought I was going to have make Kayla breathe into a paper bag last night she was breathing so hard.

Kayla works with 2 other travelers. We are friends with both now and have all hung out. One of them had quite a mixture of drinks at a N. Hollywood Halloween party and the other sang karaoke at a restaurant. Not telling who but they are fun peeps. We all 3 have the same furniture. I wonder why? Hmmmm..........At least it's nice. That was my main concern when we came here. What kind of apartment were they going to give us? It's REALLY nice. The whole complex. And it has a designated animal restroom grass area. Oh no!! It's time to go pick up my woman from work. More and better blog post to come.
Travel Nurse

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