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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dec. 31st

Hey. It's new Years eve. I'll be watching it on TV. Gonna stay at home cause the wife works. I don't wanna do anything anyway. I'd prefer a good ole family new years with my peeps in the 35. I just read that Charles Barkely was arrested for a DUI. He refused a breathe test thing. That can really only mean one thing. I'm working on a new blog. It is much more professional looking and the content is different. I'll tell you about it later. The mavs are now 19-12 after starting the season 2-7. They are only a game and a half out of first place. Good deal. I have a lot of cleaning to do today. We are out of paper towels. Oh, my woman bought us some ski's. this will avoid hassle for the rest of our lives. No more renting ski's and boots and cheap polls. Stinky boots who thousands of other people have worn before. Grossness to the max. Ooh dat is nasty. We are not sure where we are going to live next month. I'm still hoping for Denver but we may have to accept somewhere else. But it's ok. We shall go where we go and like it. So far so good. I really think the place we go will only get better. That's what I say.

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