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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our first Visit

I have to do a better job with my body allowing the Christmas spirit inside. I think getting a tree wold help. We have to get a real one because a artificial tree would take up more space when we move. We don't need that. We need a dolly. I borrowed a dolly of the movers that moved in our furniture and it saved my life. It's why I'm alive to type this entry. I owe those dudes.

I'm a little jealous of Texas right now. I see it's a bit chilly there. But as always it will be back to 70 in no time. It's snowing in the Mountains in Cali. It's too bad there aren't any Mountains in Big D. I like L.A. but I almost can't wait to go to the next spot.
the picture above is the nerd that's coming to visit this weekend. That's Amanda. She may not be too thrilled with the photo I posted. But Inoevencaradow. We have an excellent surprise for anyone who would like a Christmas Gift from us. The present will follow in a the next post. Good day all!!!

1 comment:

Chrysalis said...

Christmas trees with lots of lights can brighten any decor. :) I hope you and your travel nurse have a very Merry Christmas!