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Monday, December 8, 2008

Undecided Title

Hey. My travel nurse is working today and I am blogging. I watched a football game on Sunday where one team decided they would prefer to lose instead of win. It was extremely unprofessional and totally disgusting. The team asked the opposing team if they would like to win and the opposing team said of course we would....You beat us up today so we just assumed we were going to lose. Thank you so much. Are you stupid or somethin? Not even Forrest Gump was as stupid as the charity football team on Sunday. That's all I have to type about thayat.
I'm going to have lunch with my travel nurse again today. I visited her on Saturday and is was lovely. Something I do not understand...Or maybe I do is: I feel that many many people (unhappily married) are jealous of the relationship that other married couples (happily married) have. If I take my travel nurse lunch it's because I want to see her. I will do the same exact thing 10 years from now. I don't take her lunch because we have only been married for 3 months. For people to say, "Oh well he won't bring you lunch for ever. He's only doing it because yall are still fresh" is oh so silly to say. I say those people wish they had a husband who would bring them lunch. Maybe I should take them lunch too. That wold be a good dead. It would be like a meals on wheels for nurses who need a hug.
Amanda is coming this week. I'm glad. I want people to know where we are living and see parts of our travel experiences. My travel nurse and I are going to go to Cat's studio this week and record a few songs. I'm really excited. We haven't been to the studio since we recorded the Bridal March song for our weeding.
I thought I would share a video that makes me smile. It is from Emily's birthday party last year I believe. The funny thing is that she looks so embarrassed because of cameras and the fact that people are singing to her. She even decides to go underneath the table. Lol.


Unknown said...

Will you still take your travel nurse lunch when you have gainful employment? I don't doubt that you luv that woman, but surely boredom plays a small role. I 'spect you're going to say it doesn't, but I know what color the cat be.

travelnursingblogs said...

I love your guys' blog. The life of the spouse of travel nurses has to be a fun and challenging one.