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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fish and Chips

Hey. I made fish and chips last night and it was wonderful. I actually made a batter that tasted good. I'm so proud.

Our puppy is tired. We went on a walk. It was a pretty solid walk for her tiny legs. However she is a trooper and can just keep on goin.

The Rangers have now won 7 in a row. 4 1/2 games ahead of second place LA. This is not a jinx. It's just fun to watch them when they are descent.

I found this red wine that I really like called Bay bridge. It's a Clifornia Cabernet Sauvingon. Get this. A bottle cost less than 3 bucks. AND it was on sale the other day for $1.79. I like. That's all that matters.

I fianally figured out how to air up the tires on my bike. They have a really fruity valve.

I lost two punds and I'm really glad. I need to lose about 12 more.

I feel bad for the dogs at Runyan Canyon that don't have any water. I know they are thirsty. I also feel bad for the people who have lost their dogs. It's sad.

Hillary Duff is on tv from 4 years ago and she looks normal. She looks too skinny these days.

Lucie has realy straight whiskers.

I haven't seen black shirt man from across the street at all today. Odd.

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