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Monday, May 4, 2009


Yes we now live in Hollywood. This place is nuts. It's exactly what I expected but it's still so different than anywhere we have ever lived before. We lived in the Valley months ago and it's kinda the same but not really. Did that make sense?

I think the difference is two things. Hollywood has way too many homeless people and way too many fake people. Or the $30,000 millionaires. The people who make regular money but want other people to think they make a ton of money. Ah the $30,000 millionaire cracks me up. They probably spend all their money on their apartment because nothing here is cheap. Seriously. Nothing. However, I think the $30,000 millionaire people are in every city. I know they are all over Dallas. There are a lot of kids living in those new downtown high rise apartments that don't need to be. But you know....whatever makes your boat stay above water.

We live right across the street from CNN. I guess it's where Larry King does his show. I passed the CBS building on the way back from dropping off Kayla. There a ton of shows filmed there. We passed the House Of Blue's Sunset yesterday. It looks neato. It reminds me a Joe's Crab Shack.

Here is a breakdown. Hollywood is cool, dirty, scary, rich, poor, regular, and our temporary home for a while. Can't wait for Kayla to get noticed. She will be the newest Rachael Ray type. I feel it.

Oh man. Cedar Sinai is freakin Massive. It would be sooo easy to get lost in there. It is ridiculously huge. But I'm so happy for my honey. This will look awesome on her resume. I gotta go.

1 comment:

becca said...

hi there. I'm a nursing student in Arkansas, and just wanted to let you know that I was enjoying reading your blog. I have this dream of picking up my family and travel nursing from an RV. We will be traveling with a lot in tow..3 girls that we homeschool! What an education though. Anyways, I would love to know how the travel compensation covers the rv and expenses. Great Blog!