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Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm a wild Animal

Not really. I've noticed that as I've grown older I have calmed down. But I think I know what would get me back to the animal stage.

I blew out a pair or underwear the other day. I wold love to put it on this blog but I can't. Maybe someday.

Kayla sent me a text today and said her panties were on backwards today.

We finally heard the guy in the black shirt that sits across the street speak. He has a very kind and pleasant voice.

I shaved handle bars on my face a while back and it looked incredible.

Can't believe how huge out dog is now. 8.5 pounds.

Dayng...D Howard just dunked the crap out of the ball.

It's really amazing how f'ed up California is right now. The state is in such a huge deficit. Closing parks? Serious. They want to close 220 out of 279 parks in the state. Is it Arnold's fault? It has to be. Everyone blames Bush for the way things are in the U.S....So yes I blame Arnold for the awful awful state of this state.

I like the esurance cartoon chic that plays the tambourine.

I love my bike. but I'm always nervous when we ride down Sunset or Santa Monica. There are tons of bike riders but I'm always thinking about that one person that's not paying attention and runs me over.

It's weird to me that ESPN shows the spelling cometition.

The Labron and Kobe puppet commercials are pretty good. I love the way they made their noses look. Labron's is just a ball and Kobe has a long pointy nose. Funny to me. Funny to me indeed!

I think there are a lot of comedians that are not funny. They even have their own comedy central show but they never make me laugh. Actually there are only a few that make me laugh. So many are predictable and just not that funny.

I used to not like Hedo Turkey Glue but now I'm rooting for him and his team.

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