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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Can you say Tiznerky

It's turkey time so here we go
please don't drop my turkey on tha flo.
Thursday's the day when I get real happy
but don't come over here if yor hair is nappy.

It's Thanksgiving eve and I am fired up. My nurse is at work and doesn't have to go back until Monday. I think . We are going to see the Mavs play the lakers on Friday and I want to go catch a Baylor Basketball game on Saturday or Sunday in Anaheim. It's raining today for the first time since we have been here. It's a lovely rain that cozies my heart. Love me some rain. Has anyone seen the movie knocked up or Super Bad? The house that Seth Rogan lived in was filmed a couple of blocks from Kayla's hospital. The scene from Super Bad where they set the police car on fire was filmed down the street from our apartments in a college parking lot. Kinda neato. Check out the Turkey rap.
Oooooooooowweeeeeeeeeyy!! That was sweeeeet. I surprised myself with that one. I know I have skilz but I just grew as an artist. Where was I? I lost focus. I'm ready to go pick up my Nurse so we can plan the cooking for Thursday morning. My football game starts earlier here than in Texas so we must not have any delays.
Travel Nurse

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